Assumption of Risk Form

McGill Summer Sports Camp
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Assumption of Risk

McGill Sports Camps

To parent(s) and legal guardian(s): Please read and complete this document. It is important to please return a signed copy before the first day of camp to, or in person on your child’s first day.

While McGill Athletics & Recreation staff members and instructors make every reasonable effort to minimize exposure to known risks, we recommend that all participants of our McGill Sports Camps consult a healthcare professional if they have any concerns about their physical or mental health before engaging in physical activity.

  • Participants of our McGill Sports Camps will be involved in physical activity. It is understood and accepted that with any form of physical activity, or using equipment at our facilities, there is a risk of injury.
  • In a camp context, there are inherent risks of contagion. While participating in activities with other children who are not members of your household, as a parent/legal guardian, you understand and accept that there are risks of your child being infected with a virus.
  • As per the Quebec government's current COVID-19 guidelines specific to education, the wearing of masks is no longer required anywhere in the school network. However, in the interest of everyone’s safety, it is recommended that children who exhibit symptoms—such as a cough or sore throat—wear a mask. If a child begins experiencing symptoms while at camp, they may be asked to wear a mask. If a child has a fever, they cannot attend camp.
  • McGill University, its staff and administration are not responsible for any and all claims of lost or damaged property, however caused, arising directly or indirectly from your child’s participation in McGill Sports Camps.
  • Due to the inherent risks that arise from participation in sports and physical activity, it is strongly recommended that families have appropriate medical insurance.
  • As a parent/legal guardian, I understand that my child may be photographed or filmed while at one of our McGill Sports Camps. The selected photos and video clips will be used for promotional, informative and/or educational purposes and may be included in/on, and not limited to publications, webpages and social media platforms.