Possible road closures around the McGill Sports Complex. Details.
The camp is located at 475 Pine Avenue West, one block east of University Street.
For campers arriving by public transportation, the 80, 435, 129 and 144 buses all have stops near the facility.
Consult the map for more information.
In order for us to identify you as a Sports Camp parent, please print the Access Pass and leave it on your car's dashboard.
Access to the McGill Sports Complex may be denied without the pass.
Campers will start their day in Tomlinson Hall, at 475 Pine Avenue West. Enter via the back-door entrance, close to Molson Stadium.
All cars must enter and exit camp by the University Street entrance. Signs will be posted and staff will be present to direct cars to the drop-off/parking area, please refer to the Sports Camp Facilities page for directions to the McGill Sports Complex.
Access Pass: Please print a copy and place it on your car's dashboard where it can be easily spotted by our staff.
Map of the drop-off and pick-up zones
Each group will follow a pre-determined schedule of activities divided into three 45-minute periods.
Each group will follow a pre-determined schedule of activities divided into three 45-minute periods.
Pick-up will be at the McConnell Arena.
All children must be signed out by a parent, legal guardian or pre-authorized individual (other than a parent or legal guardian).
Please use the designated parking area only and respect the pick-up hours. Any cars parked in alternate locations or who arrive outside the designated pick-up time will be asked to move their vehicle immediately and may receive a parking ticket.
There is no extended day service for Winter Break Sports Camp.
Parents / Guardians must complete the Assumption of Risk Form (PDF) prior to their child's first day of camp. Upon completion, forms can be printed and submitted at the check-in table upon arrival on the first day of camp, or simply email the completed document to summercamp.athletics@mcgill.ca
The McGill Sports Camp is committed to providing participants with a positive experience in sport and physical activity. As part of the McGill University community, the camp prides itself on providing a welcome and inclusive environment to people of all races, ethnic backgrounds, genders and abilities.
Whether in the sporting environment or in any part of our facility, the McGill Sports Camp will take every measure possible to accommodate all of our participants (campers and staff) in an effort to respect and maintain an individual's rights and dignity.
The McGill Sports Camp is not a peanut-free camp, but we would like to ensure the well being off all campers by minimizing the risk of exposure. Please carefully read food and beverage labels in order to ensure there is no trace of nuts in your children's lunch or snacks that they are brining to camp.
The McGill Sports Camp Organizing Committee is committed to the prevention of violence and abuse. The Camp is committed to providing an environment that is safe and free of all forms of violence or abuse (whether physical or verbal).
The McGill Sports Camp Organizing Committee will take whatever steps are reasonable to protect all camp members from violence from any person in the camp environment, including staff, campers, clients, contractors, vendors, and members of the public. Everyone in the camp environment must be dedicated to preventing violence, and identifying potential sources of misconduct.
Threats of misconduct can be reported to the McGill Sports Camp Organizing Committee. All reports are handled seriously, investigated fully, and handled with the utmost confidentiality. So long as a report is made in good faith, no consequences will be levied against a reporting staff member.
The McGill Sports Camp will not be responsible for administering medication. However, with parental consent, we will...
We will be corresponding with parents mostly by e-mail so please add summercamp.athletics@mcgill.ca to your safe senders list. Be sure to check your in-box regularly. Please note all e-mails are kept confidential. In addition, be sure to refer to the McGill Sports Camp Facebook page for regular updates.
The McGill Sports Camp follows the policies and procedures as outlined by the Office de la protection des consommateurs and guidelines as per the Quebec Camp Association. The refund policy of the McGill Summer Sports Camp is as follows:
Please advise us in advance if you will be picking up your child early by contacting Client Services. Enter the main entrance at 475 Pine Avenue West, and let security know who you are there for. A staff member will bring your child to you.
If another adult other than a parent, legal guardian or previously authorized adult will be picking up your child from camp, please let us know by email.
Contact: summercamp.athletics@mcgill.ca or 514-398-7011
We have a healthy balance of indoor and outdoor activities. When the campers are outside, instructors provide many water breaks and opportunities to sit in the shade if it gets too hot. Instructors will remind campers to put on sunscreen throughout the day, however we also suggest you apply sunscreen to your child before they arrive at camp.
Camp is led in English. However, some staff are bilingual. Campers are encouraged to express themselves in French, English, or both!
Yes, the campers swim every day.
Yes, you should pack your child a lunch. In extraordinary circumstances we will provide your child a lunch, and you will be charged for the cost of the food.
Alouettes Days are when the Montreal Alouettes take over Molson Stadium in preparation for their home games. There are only three of these occasions over the summer and instructions will be sent to you via email.
Every Friday, we have a themed activities day! Campers and staff are encouraged to show up and represent the theme!