Possible road closures around the McGill Sports Complex. Details.
Masters Swim is a club swim team for people who enjoy swimming for fitness & recreation, and who wish to improve their swimming ability or compete. Masters offers a wide variety of lane speeds, and swimmers are encouraged to challenge themselves and work towards the development of a more efficient technique. Both front crawl and individual medley are part of the fun and challenging workouts designed by the club's coaches.
Practices are held at McGill's Memorial Pool, located in the Sports Centre, 475 Pine Avenue West. Please see the Google Calendar.
Morning swim
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
6:45 to 8:00 a.m.
Evening swim
Monday and Friday
6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
Members: $180.00 +taxes
Non-members: $315.00 +taxes
Please refer to our new Google Calendar for a complete schedule of club activities and to see who is coaching each practice!
Practices include aerobic and anaerobic training. Swimmers are encouraged to seek assistance in their preferred strokes. On average, masters members swim between 3000 and 4500 metres per practice, though new swimmers are encouraged to choose distances best suited to their abilities and level of fitness. Due to the influx of members at the beginning of each academic semester, swimmers can expect the lanes to be busy in the early weeks, especially in the evening. As the semester progresses, the density in the lanes usually decreases.
Swimmers may attend as many practices as they like. To improve fitness, 2-3 practices per week are recommended. Swimmers are encouraged to arrive early, so practices can begin on time.
Interested in joining?
Come to a practice prepared to swim! You will need a bathing suit, goggles, and a bathing cap. Introduce yourself to the coach on deck if you are new! Membership fees are used to cover coaching salaries. The membership fee structure below does not include taxes.
Masters Swim Meets
Swim meets are optional. Those wishing to compete against other swimmers from their age category may do so at the masters events. The Fédération de Natation du Québec (FNQ) is responsible for the calendar of masters swim meets. The training for swimmers planning on competing will be adjusted towards their having two peak performances during the year (at one meet in the fall and at another in the winter semester).