Facility Rules and Etiquette

Welcome to the McGill Sports Complex

We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and inclusive environment.

General Facility Rules

As members or guests, you play an important role in ensuring a welcoming, respectful and encouraging environment for all. Please note the following is required of all who enter our facilities.

We thank you for your cooperation.


  • A valid membership/registration is required to access our facility.
  • All facility users are required to provide appropriate identification if requested by our security personnel or an Athletics & Recreation (A&R) staff member.


  • Appropriate workout apparel and athletic footwear are always required (e.g. t-shirts, tank tops, shorts, pants, non-marking sneakers). Items that are not considered workout attire/shoes may be deemed unacceptable.

The McGill Athletics and Recreation Facilities Code of Conduct

  • Be courteous and respectful to our staff, guests and members at all times.
  • Inappropriate, offensive or hateful language and behaviour will not be tolerated.
  • Smoking and vaping are not permitted on A&R property.
  • The facilities may not be used by persons under the influence of intoxicating substances.
  • Members or guests are not permitted to setup/takedown equipment in order to alter the use of the space.
  • Avoid monopolizing equipment and put all equipment back in its original spot after use.
  • Disinfect and wipe down all equipment before and after use.
  • Please report any damaged equipment, facility-related issues and/or inappropriate behaviour/conduct to the nearest A&R staff member or email info@athletics@mcgill.ca.
  • Cooperate in investigations relating to a potential breach of the Athletics and Recreation Facilities Code of Conduct. Understand and comply with the Code of Conduct, and review it from time to time.
  • Comply with McGill University policies, including the Policy on Harassment and Discrimination and the Policy against Sexual Violence.

In the event of a dispute between two or more members, A&R reserves the right to intervene and mediate in an attempt to resolve the conflict. Should a mutually acceptable resolution not be found, A&R will take a course of action which it deems appropriate for the situation. Such actions could result in the termination and the pro-rated refunding of an individual's membership. Failure to abide by one or more of the points listed above may result in the immediate termination of an individual's membership.

Should a member wish to report a violation of the Athletics and Recreation Facilities Code of Conduct, they may contact Perry Karnofsky, Director of Services, Wellness Programs and Facility Operations.

I have read and understand the Athletics and Recreation Facilities Code of Conduct and agree to abide by the policies described.

Food & Bottles

  • Food and glass bottles are not permitted inside our activity areas.  


  • Please help keep our facilities clean and hygienic. Recycle items whenever possible and put personal waste items into the designated waste dispensers. Please disinfect equipment as per area protocols.

Personal Items

  • Jackets, sports bags, winter boots and other personal items must be stored in a locker or red basket.
  • Athletics & Recreation is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen personal items.

Photos & Videos

  • Refrain from taking pictures of or filming other members and guests without their consent.


  • Follow all emergency procedures and the subsequent instructions from our A&R staff.
  • Report suspicious behaviour to the nearest A&R staff member.

Hours & Schedule

  • All activities end 30 minutes before the Sports Complex closes.
  • Activities may be cancelled, suspended, or the schedule may be modified at the sole discretion of our A&R staff.

Emergency Contacts

A&R Security Desk: 514-398-2341

McGill Emergency Services: 514-398-3000

McGill University and/or Athletics & Recreation reserve the right to restrict access to anyone found violating A&R rules and regulations.

Our staff is here to help, please ask for assistance!

Memorial Pool Rules

  • Use of the pool and pool area is restricted to McGill Sports Complex members.
  • Proper bathing attire is required.
  • Patrons must remove their shoes prior to entering the pool area.
  • Patrons must shower prior to entering the pool.
  • Patrons with open wounds may not enter the pool.
  • No diving in the shallow end.
  • No running, pushing, foul language or dangerous play will be tolerated.
  • No glass, food, gum, or alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pool area.
  • Swim diapers must be worn by all by all children ages three and under
  • Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
  • Cameras are not permitted in the pool area unless authorized by management.
  • Lanes lines are not to be used as supports for swimmers unless in the case of an emergency.
  • Please feel free to inform the lifeguard of any existing health conditions.
  • Management reserves the right to deny access to the pool to anyone at any time.

Emergency Contacts

A&R Security Desk: 514-398-2341

McGill Emergency Services: 514-398-3000

McGill University and/or Athletics & Recreation reserve the right to restrict access to anyone found violating A&R rules and regulations.

Our staff is here to help, please ask for assistance!

Valid B2 Gym Membership
  • Access to the B2 Gym is given only to those with a valid membership, a Day Pass or to individuals with special access from the Gym Administrator. Please have your ID card ready to scan at the turnstiles to gain entry.
  • Clients must be 16 years of age or older to enter the B2 Gym. Minors under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult member.
Personal Belongings
  • All personal items must be stored in a locker. There are free day lockers available in the changing rooms, as well as a basket/Premium locker available for purchase online or in person at Client Services (Room G20-C, on the ground floor of the McGill Sports Complex)
  • Locks can be purchased at the Redbird Sports Shop, located on the ground floor close to the main entrance.
  • Backpacks, coats, and other non-training-related items are NOT allowed in the gym.
  • A small sealable/drawstring bag holding your training gear is acceptable. Gym Attendants will ask you to bring anything other than this back to a locker.
  • Items left unattended will be brought to the Lost and Found at the Equipment Desk on the ground floor.
  • Appropriate workout apparel, such as t-shirts, shorts or track pants, sports bras, and other athletic gear may be worn. Any type of clothing that is not meant for working out (e.g. jeans, ripped or altered clothing, clothing with inappropriate statements, flip flops) may be deemed unacceptable by the B2 Gym Attendants. You may be asked to change and/or leave the facility.
  • Athletic footwear (closed at the toes and heels) must be worn at all times. Street shoes, dress shoes, boots, or outdoor footwear are not allowed.
Personal Hygiene
  • Clothing must be laundered,  
  • Personal daily hygiene is appreciated.
  • Avoid using heavily scented personal care products.
  • Towels for cleaning the equipment are provided. Please spray the towel first, then wipe down the machines after use. This is especially important for our machines with screens.
Water Bottle
  • Stay hydrated during your workout, and fill up at any of the water fountains.
  • Only water and sports drinks are allowed in sealed containers.
  • Food and gum are not allowed at the B2 Gym.  
Safety First
  • We are all responsible for personal safety in the gym.
  • Don't be a hero! Ask for a spot from a Gym Attendant when lifting heavy weights overhead/over your face and/or when lifting to failure.
  • Use a collar for all barbell work to avoid plates falling off.
  • Use proper lifting techniques. If you are unsure, please book in with one of our personal trainers.  
  • Be aware of personal space. Be mindful of placing equipment in high-traffic zones, and never walk in front of someone while they are lifting. Wait until they finish their set or walk behind them.
Share Equipment
  • Please limit your time to 30 minutes on all cardio machines during peak hours (7:00 to 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to closing).
  • Don't rest on machines or linger between sets.  
  • Please allow others to "work in" and use the equipment between your sets. This means while you rest, they lift. While they rest, you lift.
  • Personal trainers will have priority over any equipment for personal training program clients.
Cleaning and Storing Equipment
  • Place your towel between you and the equipment to minimize sweat transfer.
  • Wipe down equipment after use. Spray the towel that has been provided to you first, then wipe down the equipment (especially important for cardio equipment screens).
  • Return equipment to its designated place after use – place dumbbells in the correctly labeled rack.
  • Unload your barbell and return plates to their designated storage space after use.
Avoid Excessive Noise
  • Limit grunting and yelling, and refrain from cursing. The B2 Gym is a public place where members are trying to concentrate on performing their workouts.
  • Avoid dropping weights unnecessarily, which will damage the equipment and facility. Instead, lift/lower weights with control. If you are unsure how to do this, please ask for instructions from a Gym Attendant.
Be Courteous & Respectful
  • Be helpful with first-timers.  
  • Listen to the instructions from the Gym Attendants.
  • Theft of any kind will result in expulsion from the facility.

There is a zero tolerance for any form of harassment of staff or members which may include, but is not limited to:

  • Behaviour that demeans, ridicules, or embarrasses a member, employee, guest, or visitors, including comments, gestures, and jokes which may adversely impact the individual's enjoyment of the B2 Gym
  • Bullying, mistreatment, intimidation or teasing that creates an uncomfortable environment
  • Verbal abuse, belittling, or excessive profanity
  • Reprisal or retaliation against anyone who models this code
  • Verbal and/or sexual harassment and/or discrimination of any kind
  • Individuals are encouraged to report any alleged incidents involving prohibited conduct, whether they feel that it is directed toward them or someone else. All concerns, complaints, or incidents will be dealt with in a fair and timely manner while respecting the complainant's privacy to the fullest possible extent.

Lifting Platform Rules and Etiquette

Safety First
  • Use collars for all barbell work to keep plates from sliding off the bars.
  • Ask for a spotter when powerlifting or performing lifts to failure.
  • Learn how to safely "fail" an Olympic lift, through proper instruction from a personal trainer who is a certified weight lifting coach.
Choose the Correct Bar
  • Use the Olympic barbells for snatch or clean and jerk moves only. Ask the Gym Attendant for them (yellow: 35 lbs female bar | Blue: 45 lbs male bar).
  • Powerlifting barbells can be used for deadlifting, squats and other exercises (except Olympic lifts since they have less spin). They are available for rent. See the Gym Attendant.  
Hands Only on the Bar
  • Touching the bar with your foot is considered disrespectful. Touch the bar with your hands only.
Load Plates on the Barbell Properly
  • The barbell should always be loaded starting with the heaviest plates on the inside of the bar to the lightest.
Use Bumper Plates for Olympic Lifting
  • Use of heavy metal plates beyond 25 lbs can damage/destroy the barbell and the platform by bending its bars and causing friction on the spin of the bar.
Avoid Excessive Weight Dropping
  • When possible, control the bar on the way down. This will preserve the integrity of the bar, plates, and platform.
  • With light or warm-up weights in the snatch, lower the bar to your thighs and then lower it to the platform.
  • With cleans and clean and jerks, lower to your shoulders, then to your thighs, and then to the platform.
Cleaning Up & Storing Equipment
  • Respect the platform and power racks.
  • Unload plates from the barbell and put them back in their designated home.
  • Remove all items from the platform.
  • Place bumper plates in order on the bumper plate storage rack.
Liquid Chalk Only
  • Bring your own liquid chalk
  • Clean up any spills that may happen or ask for assistance from Gym Monitors if spills happen.
  • Use of powered chalk is strictly prohibited.

B2 Gym Attendants may ask any patron to leave the facility and have the right to interpret and apply these rules to ensure that all members have a positive, safe, and enjoyable training experience.

McGill Athletics & Recreation has the right to cancel membership privileges whenever it is deemed that there is a lack of adherence to the rules and regulations.

Le Parc Gym Rules

General Rules

  1. A valid McGill student ID card, with a Le Parc sticker, is required to enter (New Residence Hall residents only).
  2. A workout block reservation is required. One reservation will be permitted per day/person up to seven days in advance.
  3. Cancellation is required via the online up to one hour before the workout block begins.
  4. A 10-minute grace period is given at the start of the workout block for late arrivals. Following that, the workout block will reopen to a walk-in member.
  5. No personal belongings are allowed in the gym.
  6. Only appropriate workout apparel and clean training shoes are permitted.
  7. Personal daily hygiene is appreciated.
  8. Reusable water bottles are permitted. No food or open drinks are allowed.
  9. Be aware of your surroundings. Report any incidents to the Gym Attendant.
  10. Share equipment and allow others to work in with you.
  11. Wipe down equipment and put it back in its correct place.
  12. Avoid making excessive noise and refrain from using profane language.
  13. Be courteous and respectful to others and follow instructions given by the Gym Attendant.

Lifting Platform Rules and Etiquette

  1. Safety comes first!
  2. Handle the equipment with care and use it appropriately.
  3. Use barbell collars and ask for a spotter for max lifting.
  4. Load plates on the barbell properly (heaviest on the inside).
  5. Use bumper plates only for Olympic lifting (snatch, clean and jerk movements).
  6. Avoid excessive weight dropping (lower with control when possible).
  7. Wipe down equipment and put it back in its correct place.
  8. Use of liquid chalk only. Powered chalk is strictly prohibited.

Le Parc Gym Attendants may ask any member to leave the facility and have the right to interpret and apply these rules to ensure that all members have a positive, safe, and enjoyable training experience.

McGill Athletics & Recreation has the right to cancel membership privileges whenever it is deemed that there is a lack of adherence to the rules and regulations.

If you have questions, feel free to ask us!